Friday, May 8, 2009


We had our most recent ultrasound on Wednesday and a visit with a different OB since my friend was in Chicago at a conference. All of my BPP exams (biophysical profile) with the ultrasound have been wonderful! Monkey is thriving. They measure breathing - he is breathing like crazy. They measure movement - he moves like crazy. They look at the fluid - there is plenty of fluid. He passes the test with flying colors! They have not measured growth yet but that will be soon.

My visit with the OB went well. I was 1.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced which is pretty good for a first time mommy. She also thought that monkey felt bigger than what the ultrasound indicated. She didn't seem to worried.

Our last official "married without kids" event was later that night. We went to a Shins concert at the Crystal Ballroom. Used my huge belly as a good reason to skip the line and got to go in first with the guy with crutches who didn't even have a cast. That guaranteed that I got to sit down. It was a good concert.

About mid way through the concert, in part because all I was doing was sitting with my hands resting on my belly, I noticed that I was having some not painful contractions. They lasted a minute and were fairly irregular. By later that night/early next AM they were very regular. Before I went to bed, I made sure we were all packed in case we needed to be.

By the next morning I had slept less than an hour and called the on call doc. Not painful but regular contractions every 2-5 minutes. She said to come in and they would check to see if my cervix was changing at all. We brought our bags just in case but I wasn't convinced. We arrived a little after 630AM to the hospital OB triage area. They checked and my cervix was the same. They said I could walk or go home and wait to see if thing got painful. I tried walking, but that really didn't help. Nice OB nurse who was getting off at 7 AM was replaced by grumpy - "please don't come back until you can't talk through your contractions" and "you don't want your baby to be born now anyway" nurse. The OB triage room was about 100 degrees! AND I am getting a cold!

MAJOR LETDOWN! So since then I think we have both been in a little bit of a funk. My cold is not helping my mood. I took today and yesterday off. Saw my OB today who again today (she is back from her conference) and confirmed that nothing had changed. At least she seemed a little more anxious to get things going than grumpy OB nurse.

So I will try going back to work on Monday and Tuesday. I will have my ultrasound for growth on Wednesday. My maternity pics will be later Wednesday PM. I have plans to see the Star Trek movie and visit with a friend this weekend. We will not chance the 4 hour drive to GP for Mother's Day/Ethan and Aiden (nephews) birthday party which is a bummer as I would like to see everyone.

So, i just feel BLEH! Too tired and sicky to feel excited right now and definitely not dealing well with the uncertainty. Even Tom is feeling let down after the "practice contractions". It is hard to know what to do other than wait. I think monkey will be earlier than his due date which is nice. My nesting is pretty much done - which leaves little to occupy me.

Come soon little monkey - I will feel better once I see your healthy smiling face! GO AWAY COLD!

Ooh and here is the artwork that Tom picked out for the nursery - the only pic we haven't hung yet has monkey's name on it so no ruined surprises!

1 comment:

Ally said...

Very frustrating, Kirsten. I hope the contractions stop until they come for real. And that your cold disappears!