Monday, May 18, 2009

Will it be today?

Only a week until the due date! I am wondering if it won't be sooner. I have been having contractions for the last three days but they are picking up in frequency today and a little bit more intense. Not to the point where I can't talk or function but to the point of being OBVIOUSly a contraction and not something else. I am so glad that I got my pregnancy pics done last week - see sample.

Everything is packed and ready to go. My OB friend is on all tonight so she is going to try stripping my membranes and see if we can get things going. This process works sometimes. It is basically a separation of the amniotic sac from the inside of the cervix/uterus just using the fingers. It helps to release the cascade of hormones to start labor - sometimes!

I am excited! Our front office woman who was due last week had her baby yesterday and she is a cutie. I can't wait to see our little monkey!

So a short post to say here's hoping he comes soon on this nice sunny day ;-)


Kendra Joy said...

First, LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos! You are gorgeous and glowing!

Secondly, I can't wait to see that handsome little monkey of yours, and I'd love for it to be sooner than later! ;)

Bobbi said...

Best of Luck to you and the little monkey! Can't wait to see pictures of him :) Great pictures, and just in time!