Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So Monday was the "stripping" of the membranes. It did nothing! In fact, I think it may have slowed things down from before if that is possible.

I went to work Tuesday and decided that was about it. Just not comfortable to think about having to lug my body into work for the rest of the week.

Today got to sleep in a little - thank you to Tom for figuring out the bus to work so I could sleep in and still have the car for my massage!

Had our weekly ultrasound and doctor visit. No change to the cervix, monkey is doing well.

So the plan is to try to induce on Friday. Why? Because my OB is on call and it is the weekend and we are a little anxious! I think once we get a little pitocin this random contractions will organize into something that will work a little bit better. So just after midnight (late Thursday, early Friday), we will head to the hospital. If that doesn't work after a few hours, we will have to come back next week (likely Tuesday).

This really may be it. It is exciting to think about having monkey outside and interactive in a whole new way. Hopefully he will come this weekend when it may be easier for people to visit. I can't wait to post pics of little monkey and announce his name!

Here's hoping it works! I think I should try to get lots of sleep in the next 24 hours ;-) I might regret it if I don't!


Bobbi said...

Hope everything works out well and the little man come over the weekend! So exciting! We will be thinking of you and waiting for the news :)

Kendra Joy said...

Wait - Induce Friday, like two days ago? Or is this next Friday?