Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Final Countdown!

So we went for our follow-up ultrasound this last Wednesday to make sure little monkey is growing. The ultrasound done first of Feb he measured in the 48th percentile. End of March was 38th percentile and this last one was 22nd percentile. UGH!

It just goes to show that if you go looking for something hard enough, you might find something. If we hadn't had the ultrasound in March, we would have never known. I am measuring normally. I am gaining weight. Heartbeat and all parts look normal! He is moving a lot! He has hiccups and kicks! HIs bottom has changed sides so it is not against my liver and his feet kick my liver instead of my stomach!

So now we have to have more looking and we may get to meet little Monkey a little bit early if he falls below 10th percentile. We won't know more until at least the 13th of May most likely. I have been instructed to cut back at work and no more "Exercise" outside of walking and doing my normal things - basically no gym! I am enjoying sitting down more at work and seeing fewer patients as monkey likes to move more when I sit still and I like to feel him moving ;-)

Meanwhile, I had a very nice shower from my office ladies. They slathered me with good monkey clothes and gifts and tried to trick me into saying the name of the baby out loud - not yet! Let there be one surprise for me to share!

The nursery is almost completely done really really close!
Artwork is now up - pic to come soon. Tom picked out some artwork done by local artists and we got some frames and put it all up this weekend!

We have ordered the ottoman to go with the handmade rocking chair that a nice guy in my dad's church made for me years ago and has been through 4 moves now!

We have found a cool new kind of more environmentally friendly diaper to try that has me excited about diapers. You can check it out at and I will let you know how they work. Flushable, compostable or disposable liners that actually break down in the landfill instead of clogging it up. Unless they fall off the kid altogether, it sounds worth a little bit of work! Even better than cloth!

I spent most of the afternoon packing my bag to go to the hospital - I LOVE PACKING! And of course monkey's bag is packed as well with two options for first outfit depending on how cold it is come his going home day!


Kendra Joy said...

Your post title makes me want to go *do do do doo, do do do do doo, do do do doo, do do do do do do do* etc. (that _did_ sound like "Final Countdown" didn't it? It did in my head)

Anyway, yay for being so close to the 10th percentile! Little monkey will be with us before we know it! :D So excited!

Ally said...

Okay little monkey don't you go slacking now... keep growing and be strong and big when you come out!