Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So we had the egg extraction today. This whole cycle has been so much better than the last one. I think it is the knowledge of what is to come. This time I have had no scary or weird dreams. I slept well like my acupuncturist said I would.

We arrived a little late but the office was much busier than the last time (likely because the last time was Memorial Day). They took me back to the room - a different holding area than before - thankfully! The female anesthesiologist came in and reviewed my history. The very able nurse came in and painlessly placed my IV. They wheeled me back to the room before giving the Versed so I remember the room. I helped them get me up in the stirrups and then the oxygen cannula went on and that is all I remember.

I awakened and immediately asked Tom how many follicles they retrieved. He said 15 and that this was the third time I had asked :-) As I slowly awakened from the anesthesia, they came to check on me and give me instructions for the rest of today and Friday - the day of hopeful transfer.

I stopped slurring my words (per Tom all I did initially was talk all slurry) and drank some water and Sprite and they sent me on my way.

I think there is a lot less pain this time than last. I only briefly used the heating pad and I think I could have gone without. I did take some Tylenol but that was more for a headache than anything else.

I have worn my glasses all day which always makes me feel tired (I only ever wear them to walk to bed and my body is well trained to think sleepy thoughts when my glasses are on). I have rested all day. Tom made dinner, vacuumed, cleaned the garage, folded the laundry and will do the dishes tonight after he enforces some sort of bed time.

I plan to relax and not do much for the next couple of days as I have the days off.

More to come on Friday and I hope that things go better and that there are at least embryos to transfer. It will be another couple weeks after that before they let us take a pregnancy test.

1 comment:

Ally said...

Thanks for the update Kirsten. I'm glad it didn't hurt as much as last time. I'm looking forward to reading good news on Friday.