Friday, September 5, 2008

Guarded Optimism

Okay ladies and gents get out your rosaries, prayer shawls and lucky pennies.

We got the call this AM that the embryos (numbering 8) were looking pretty bad. Last time wasn't a fluke, just how our embryos act when they are in a petrie dish. There were a few that may work. They thought that getting them "in vivo" (in the uterus) may help and they have "seen successful pregnancies from this quality of embryos in the past."

On a grading scale of 1 to 4, 1 is good and 4 is useless, our embryos were 2.5 at best and 4 at the worst. They like to only implant 1's or 2's.
The goal is for there to be 8 cells and only 3 embryos had at least 8 cells.

I wanted to talk to the doctor before I got naked and wasted my time on 2 days of bed rest. He said that the first test tube baby was an embryo that they almost threw away because the quality was so poor. He figured we might as well be aggressive and see what happens.

So, we went and had the embryos put where they belong.

Now I am on bed rest for 48 hours. The transfer of the embryos was MUCH easier than the extraction!

So I am catching up on Battlestar Galatica with my buddy Jason and tomorrow my friend Cathy will stop by to knit for a while. Yay for friends!

Tom is getting mad if I am up for more than 2 minutes. I am only allowed to get up to go to the bathroom, otherwise sitting (but not quite straight up) and lying only. I will be unshowered and sleeping on the couch until Sunday.

We won't know if this worked until the 16th or 17th of September when we have our pregnancy test.

If it doesn't work, the fertility challenge is off and adoption shall begin.

There is still always a chance we can get pregnant on our own. I still have one good tube. Tom's sperms are the best swimmers up that the doctor has seen. We are just caught in a catch 22. The chances of having another tubal pregnancy is pretty high and the method to avoid that complication is not working so well.

So start the good vibes and we will hope that something works out one way or the other....


Kendra Joy said...

I was thinking of you and your potential embryos today at the game. As I'm sure you know by now, the game was not a bad one to miss. Boring... Anyway, all my best vibes are headed in your direction! :)

Ally said...

Prayers for you and those misbehavin' embryos. I wish I lived closer so I could come watch Battlestar Gallactica with you.