Saturday, May 24, 2008

We are a go for launch!

Had our fourth ultrasound this week. All the follicles are huge and growing even without my evening dose of stimulator medications for the last three days. My estrogen levels are sky high. We will be doing the "trigger shot" tonight and on Monday AM they will pull out all of the fluid around the ovaries and see if they can make some embryos! I am instructed to take it easy. Eat lots of protein and not so much potassium - which is harder than you think as a lot of the sources of protein have also lots of potassium. They are still concerned about too much stimulation so I will be giving myself 1/2 the normal tirgger shot dose.

Monday AM I will arrive and undergo some minimal sedation to extract the eggs from their current nesting spot. The trigger shot helps the eggs become mature before they are extracted. I even get a day off work on Tuesday! I am trying to relax and rest and not stress my body too much today even though it is a beautiful day. I have some knitting and a book to finish!


Kendra Joy said...

How did yesterday go, Mrs. Overachiever?!

Ally said...

We eagerly await the update!