Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today I felt like an astronaut clearing the final physical exam before take off. Early this AM, I arrived at the testing facility apprehensive and afraid that there would be something found to scrub the mission.

Today was the day that I find out if there is enough medication in my system to suppress the ovarian function. That has to happen before the stimulation session. I worried about every time that I gave myself the shot an hour or two after the 24 hour period before. Traffic was bad. I was on time though. They had tried to reschedule my appointment yesterday to two hours later not realizing that means I have patients that I would have to reschedule.

"How are you feeling today?" Dr. Bankowski asks as he enters the room.
A little exposed, I think with my small paper gown covering my huge butt on the table and the AC in the office on for the expected 90 degree day.

"Fine" I say
"Usually people feel about the worst at this point because of the Lupron. Any side effects?"
"Nope, I actually feel pretty good. My mom thinks my husband will have an easy time of it if this is menopause for me!"
"Okay, first we are going to look at the ultrasound and see what the ovaries look like"

As a physician, I am a least familiar with the ultrasound procedure and can tell mostly what the gray and black things are on the screen. They were looking at the ovaries today - huge on the screen with multiple darker areas. "It looks good on the left! No cysts. Ten follicles all suppressed, largest is 4.5 (mm)" and "Right side also looks good. No cysts. Twelve follicles. Largest 6.5 mm" You look good to go as long as the Estrogen levels are low enough.

They drew my blood - vein tried to hide and they had to dig around for it - I hate that!

"We'll call you with your estrogen level later today"

They reviewed the calendar again. I tried to pin them down on specific dates for retrieval and implantation but the crystal ball was at the shop.

I paid my "Cycle Deposit" the amount of money they want you to pay up front for the whole procedure. OUCH!

About two hours later they called with the blood test results. "Looks good! You will proceed with your stimulation medications on Saturday as planned!"

Next step is the ultrasound on Tuesday. They will see if the follicles are responding to the stimulation at the right amount. They may adjust the medications at that point and will have a better idea when the extraction may occur.

But for now it feels like lift off! Or at least nothing has been scrubbed yet. There are still about 10 more phases of checklists and of course the weather has to be right. But, we may just make it to the moon afterall ;-)

1 comment:

Ally said...

Hooray! I'm counting down right along with you! Thanks for these great updates.