Thursday, August 18, 2011

Low Risk

Sorry for the delay in posting the next update. We had a round of blood and ultrasound testing the end of July to see if this little nugget has any increased risk of having Trisomy 18 or 21 (Down Syndrome). We met with the very lovely genetic counselor ahead of time who went through our family history.

What is reassuring is that there are so MANY health family members. To a genetic counselor that is great news. Things that run in families or tendencies towards problems tend to show up in large families.

My mom is the youngest of 7. My dad is the 2nd of 4. Tom's dad is somewhere in the middle of a large Catholic herd of 13 or 14. Only his mom is the only child. We have cousins upon cousins upon cousins and they have kids and so and so forth and there is no major issue that anyone has found.

My risk of having a baby with three copies of one of the above genes based only on my age is about 1:200.

After the blood testing, it is estimated at about 1:10,000!

This little nugget is certainly behaving him/herself. Thank goodness since mama is too busy to worry right now.

Today is week 15. Only 25 more weeks left to get the house, job and finances in order. A challenge?? Bring it on :)

The pictures above are nugget sticking tongue out, nugget's hand with 5 finger - he/she showed us both hands and feet and all fingers and toes, nugget's leg - very athletic looking :), nugget profile and a close up of his/her foot

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