Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Here come the crazy dreams......

So I normally have some pretty bizarro dreams, but when I am pregnant they really elevate to a new level.

The other night I had a dream that when nugget was born, they gave me a choice of whether I wanted it to have a regular mouth or a duckbill. Of course what mother in their right mind would want a regular old mouth when they could have a super cool duckbill on their newborn so I opted for that.

Breastfeeding a duckbilled child proved a little bit more of a challenge...... the dream then started to get super weird as I was back in Grants Pass and teachers from high school kept wafting through the dream, but I nevertheless wished I could have that regular-mouthed little newborn back :)

We have our meeting the perinatologists on Friday and will be doing some blood and ultrasound testing to see what our statistical risk of having a baby with some sort of birth defect is. Duck bills aside, this is a little bit more concerning as I am now maternally elderly.

We have no family history of any significant issues on either side but have had some very sweet friends who have had a baby with some problems that were not detected prior to being born prematurely. Their struggles to help their little sweetie be without pain and even to find a clear diagnosis has raised my appreciation for the one very happy healthy little boy that we have.

It has also made me wonder if I would be able to endure the mental and emotional toll of having a baby with special needs. Logically I know of course we would deal with that we needed to deal with, but I'm still putting all my positive thoughts that nugget is without significant issue - and certainly without duckbill! We're not those Duck Fans - Sheesh!

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