Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our new little boy :)

So we had the ultrasound this week to see if there were girl parts or boy parts. We had no true preference as there are pros and cons of each.

The pros and cons:

Girl pros: Would be fun to braid hair, buy dollies and cute little dresses and have one of each gender.
Girl cons: Would need whole new set of clothes, would eventually have to have her own room and we would have to figure out a sleeping arrangement where one kid wasn't on the same floor as us.

Boy pros: Been there, done that, have all the clothes and would not have to figure out an alternative sleeping arrangement.
Boy cons: We are done at two kiddos and so we wouldn't know what it was like to parent a girl and how much fun that could be.

Only one person who would venture a guess had actually guessed boy but many had hedged and said they didn't know or wouldn't guess.

This is our new little boy nugget. He looks so much like his brother did - but I guess the ultrasound pictures aren't very high resolution are they :)


Thankfully little nugget is growing as he should, is moving around and doing all of his normal things. They could see almost all the parts they needed to and it all looks normal. We will have one more ultrasound in a couple of weeks so they make sure they can see ALL the parts they need to. Then we may not have another ultrasound at all ;)

Oliver will have an awesome time playing with him and having a buddy to share his love of trains, animals, drums and Pet Sounds (the album by the Beach Boys - he asks for it by name and has favorite songs - "no not that one!")

They can share the same room until they are teenagers now which will be nice. They can also share clothes and toys and cribs and car seats, etc.

This little nugget is already kicking and reminds me to slow down or lean backward and take it easy. Could he possibly be more active than his brother?? I'm glad he will have a big brother to play with if that is the case!


I will be woefully outnumbered by men in my house :) It is fun parenting this little boy so I am looking forward to the next one! Only 19 more weeks to go.....

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