Monday, October 6, 2008

Two more days until the ultrasound

So, here I am waiting the two more days for the ultrasound.
I am tired.
It really feels like I may be able to sleep all day and still be tired.
These hormones are my Kryptonite.

Also, I am having stress dreams again and I am sure that having my brain active all night solving the problems in my dreams is not helping my fatigue.

Fortunately, my husband is fussing over me. Making me eat and go to bed early. Making me take naps on Sundays when I feel tired and not expecting me to do everything like I have in the past.

Only two more days and maybe the knowing will make the stress dreams go away. I hope that they are not just a side effect of the hormones.

I am trying to cut back a little at work. I may even close my practice to new patients right now. I will see.

More to come on Wednesday PM.


Alicia said...

Hi Kir,
I just checked your blog after several months of inactivity and was so excited to hear that you're doing well. I'll be praying for you and the potential babies inside you!

Ally said...

Looking forward to hearing your news on Wednesday! Good job Tom keeping Kir rested up!