Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Step One: Suppression

The first step in creating many eggs is actually to turn the ovaries completely off. This means birth control pills and shots of a medicine called Lupron. The shots will hopefully not be that bad as they are in the belly (not too many pain receptors there compared to other places). Sometimes these shots put you into a sort of "menopause". Hopefully not too many bad effects. The shots only last about 10 days and then the ovaries are checked to ensure that all is shut off.

It is kind of strange to think about having to turn everything off to get things started. There are two reasons why turning things off is important from what I can tell:

1) It is sort of like a computer that is frozen. The first step is to turn off the computer. So if the system isn't working well, the first step is to shut off the ovaries.

2) There is a syndrome that sometimes occurs when hyper stimulation medications are given (Step Two). This is when the ovaries basically go crazy and get swollen and painful and can be made worse by pregnancy. I think that to some degree the turning off helps the ovary to not do this when stimulated by the step two meds.

The shots start on Monday.

Should be exciting new adventure.


Ally said...

It is so counterintuitive. We aren't computers, after all. But, I'm sure you and your docs know what you're doing! Will be thinking of you on Monday.

Theresa said...

Ben and I are thinking of you today--hope the shots went well. I don't particularly like to think about them going in your belly! Sounds like something I would not want to watch... Never knew they had to turn off your ovaries before they could get started with ivf! It was so good to see you and Tom this past weekend--hope the flight home was ok and that your Bloomfield family is doing well. Talk to you soon!