Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nursery and Shower

What a busy week it has been!

We had more ultrasound pictures. Monkey is growing well but slowing down just a slight tiny little itsy bit. We may have to have one more ultrasound just to make sure all is well. He is looking cute as ever and very much like his daddy I think! He will be a cutie pie! I can't wait to see him. Still a little over 8 weeks until the due date. I am really not in a hurry for him to come early. He weighs about 3 pounds 7 ounces right now based on ultrasound measurements but he needs to grow a little bit more. I am feeling okay. I can't move as quickly. My pelvis sometimes feels as if it is only held together with some loose rubber band and the heartburn is significant at times. I also have cut back the number of patients I will see in one day as I do not want to over do it. It seems most days I am tired only a couple of hours after waking up. This is a little annoying but I guess all in all I cannot really complain because this pregnancy has been a cake walk compared to what it could be. No morning sickness, no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no bed rest (yet)! I am happy and healthy and so is monkey! I have also only gained about 17 pounds which is awesome. Still going to the gym 3-4 times per week although walking more slowly on the treadmill. We got some more 3 D pics this time from the ultrasound just by mentioning that it was done last time and was so cool. But monkey was not a cooperative and held both his arms over his face most of the time - oh well. Here are a couple of quick shots that she literally had to go frame by frame to get! I like the one where he looks like he is leaning on his one hand!
Also a pic of me today after the baseball game - too bad the Ducks decided to play horrible defense against the Beavers.

Mom and Shauna came up Friday afternoon to help me go to Ikea and get nursery furniture. Then we put it all together and had it looking great in the nursery room by bed time! I'm lucky my mom and sister enjoy putting things together as much as I do ;-) It would have frustrated Tom a little I think to help me as much as they did with holding and assembly of parts! We made quick work of it all! You can see that our cat Sydney is not letting the room be completely claimed by anyone but her yet! So far they haven't tried to jump in the crib. We will see if they figure that one out or not...

Saturday was my friends and family baby shower! What a fun time with lots of people there to wish monkey well. My friend and OB Laura and knitting friend Meg did a great job of putting it together. Mom, Shauna and Rita came up from Grants Pass and my friend Beth came from Eugene! Also many of my Portland buddies were there as well! I was very happy to see them all and visit! Monkey got lots of cool clothes and bedding that I already put away. I love just walking in monkey's room and turning the light on and seeing the transformation from no nursery to nursery.....


Kendra Joy said...

What fun! I wish I could have come to the shower - it looks like it was a really great time. My parents were here Saturday helping me frantically deep-clean our apartment before they took the rest of our stuff back to their place for storage. I should have timed moving better so I could come to your shower! Silly me!

Anyway, I love the Monkey theme. So adorable. Things are really coming together! :)

Ally said...

Kirsten, the nursery looks great! I love the monkeys. And wow, only 17 pounds! I gained 50 with each pregnancy and I'm still living with the yucky extra stretched skin on my belly... blech.

Thanks for this good update... happy to see you and little one so healthy!