Sunday, December 14, 2008

Funny stories

As I sit and knit and catch up on BSG (Battle Star Galactica) and watch the snow blowing around in the arctic winter outside, I thought I would share a few stories!

Yesterday, Tom decided we needed to go shopping. For the baby.....Yes for the baby. He didn't think we needed clothes or furniture or diapers or anything that we might get from someone else. He thought it should be top priority to make sure that our NEWBORN had books! I know my kiddo is in good hands with a daddy who thinks the top priority is books! So we went to Powells and I told him how new babies like to look at pictures of other babies. We got a few board books with other baby faces on it. We then stopped at Saturday market and looked at baby slings. I have long been a fan of the ergonomic devices to substitute for other baby carriers, car seats, etc. There is a really nice lady who makes them there and I have been to her website many times. She has a drawstring on either side so you can really adjust to the size of the baby and rather than tying or wrapping around yourself, she uses a backpack clamp which can more easily be undone to remove the baby if it falls asleep and leave the baby in the crib/carseat - YAY! She showed us a demo and Tom proclaimed it something he would have to come back and get for me before Christmas time! I told him to pick colors he wouldn't mind wearing ;-)

My belly is getting bigger
I still await definitive movement
I sometimes think that I might be feeling something but then convince myself it is just lunch digesting. Who knows.....

Last week I had to go bra shopping. I was excited as a barely B cup to be shopping for a C cup! I had to text my sis about it and let her know. Now, having an iphone, the texts come up as the contact is listed in the contact section so for my sis it says Sis and Hubby Last Name MObile. I cannot tell without looking at the number which is my sis and which is her hubby. But, I know that she texted me earlier in the week a bout a book for the kids so I used that. Text read, " I am so excited, went bra shopping today and bought a C cup" The response " Tom much be happy about that! By the way, this is Hubby phone, if you were looking for your sis you might want to text her" UGH ! Fortunately I have a good brother in law. So I texted back "Just thought you might all want to know" They both got a good laugh at that one and my sis was soon texting me "So why are you texting my Hubby your bra size? ;-)"

I am sure that will come back to haunt me come Christmas Time. At least now everyone knows what bra size to buy.....

A few weeks ago I had a strange dream. We were going in for a routine visit. But instead of going to the office, went to the hospital. Apparently I was also working in the labor and delivery that day. Tom went to hide somewhere while I attended a few deliveries. Then they asked if I wanted to see my baby. Thinking they meant an ultrasound I said sure bring in the Ultrasound machine. No no no, they have a new method where they can remove the baby and look at it and then put it back in. Of course! Bring it on! (I did mention this was a dream...okay) SO they took out the baby and showed it to me. At this point I was maybe 13-14 weeks pregnant but the baby came out looking full term, bald head, and no genitalia - think Barbie doll. I asked if they could tell if it was a boy or a girl and they said it was too early. So they put it back in and pulled the drawstrings tight and I was good to go. The only thing was TOm didn't get to see. They told us it was too dangerous to pull the baby all the way out again but they could pull out the head and the shoulders. Tom got to hold the baby's hand and look at it for a second before they cinched me back up. Now here is where it really gets weird (as if it wasn't already) When they cinched me up again, I noticed that there were pencils coming out from.....down there. Lots of sharpened yellow No 2 pencils! I pulled out maybe 1-2 dozen. I asked why there were all of these pencils in there and they told me that's how they kept everything suspended and in place. Then thankfully I woke up!

Several people that I have since told this story to have tried to analyze parts of it - the appearance of the baby is my baby's psychic way of telling me even though I can't feel it , it is okay.....I have a telepathic baby!
The pencils are because the baby needs something to do - that would be my baby then, Tom's baby would be quite content to sit in the dark and chill for the next 5 months......I have an either bored or artistic (not to be confused with autistic) baby!
And the genderless genitalia is obvious since I don't know yet, I am not assigning it a gender yet!

So in short I have a bald, genderless, artistic or bored, psychic baby! I am going to call TLC right away and see if I can get my own show. Although I think you have to have litters of children or little people children for them to really get excited! Oh well, back to knitting and BSG.....


Ally said...

Loved this post, Kir. The texting to the wrong phone was hilarious, as well as the funky dream. xoxo

Kendra Joy said...

SO many funny things in this post. I specially identify with the texting the wrong person. I do that sooo often on my iPhone. Silly.

Your dream was CRAZY! :)

Keep growing little artistic/bored, genderless, growing baby!

Duck Doc said...

I would think that the pregnancy caused these weird dreams, but really this is right on par with normal non pregnant dreams I have.....And I ALWAYS remember them!