Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Who do YOU think he looks most like?

We totally lucked out today. We had a follow-up ultrasound and they wanted to make sure the growth was okay because where the cord inserted on the placenta was a little to one side. Monkey is growing well and he is right on track. The ultrasound tech was so smitten with him that she put the 3-D probe on and got a WHOLE BUNCH of great pics of his face. I have also attached pics of myself and Tom as babies. There is some extrapolation to imagine and hopefully the scan shows up well (you can click on each image to make it larger). I am limited because I have to scan the pics in and I have limited cropping ability, but who do you think he looks like?

Monkey is moving all over the place when I stop long enough to pay attention. We are taking names if anyone has ideas. We have some top contenders but aren't going to say. Guidelines for names are more traditional names, nothing that can be shortened to something weird and nothing that starts with K or C (Tom doesn't like the alliteration although my name doesn't follow that rule - oh well)

No signs of issues yet. Baby looks healthy and prety cute. Verification today on ultrasound also that this is a boy! Baby weight about 1.5 pounds, my weight gain 13 pounds - Christmas food!

We are doing well.....


Kendra Joy said...

I think he's got Tom's nose and your eyes. He's a CUTIE!! :D

Ally said...

Be prepared to get all sorts of ridiculous name suggestions from Tobin. Don't forget that you asked for it. He comments under "Times Blog Critic" so watch out.

I personally like the names Andrew and Owen. I always have and somehow they didn't work for our Eli.

Your boy looks fantastic! Healthy and cute!

But why does the lower left-hand pic say "LOL" on it... I hope that's not as in "lots of laughs!"

Ally said...

Oh man... Tobin says he'll be polling his van-pool for names for you. My sympathies in advance.

Duck Doc said...

Actually it does mean laugh out loud
It looked like he was laughing to the ultrasound tech.....I can maybe see it but when you look at the 2D compared to the 3D it doesn't even seem like looking at the same thing.....

Tobin said...

You have to go with Madagas Carr, but if not, consider these:

Reece Carr
Ray S Carr
Box Carr
Saied Carr
Tro Carr
Armor D Carr
Cable Carr
Cole Carr
Nas Carr
Polly S Carr