Sunday, November 23, 2008

Good Genes Bad Jeans

So we finally got the results back on the hormone testing....
It was a "negative screen". We have less than 1:360 chance of having a Down's Syndrome Baby and less than 1:1200 of other chromosomal abnormalities. This is great news and allows me to relax a little bit and enjoy the beginning of the second trimester as we head into it next week.

The fatigue is starting to let up.
Have only gained a pound or two so far

BUT.....none of my jeans fit me. I still have some work pants that fit higher on my waist so they are okay but that didn't help this AM when I needed to get ready to go see Twilight with some friends. I tried the rubber band trick - not really helpful.
So I purchased my first piece of pregnancy clothing while wearing sweats in the store- a pair of corduroy pants with adjustable side elastic to make the back/side panel tighter. It is really a great thing to feel comfortable in pants again.

Bring on the second trimester. I am ready! Now if squiggly could just start moving rather than just growing at a seemingly snail's pace :-) I will be happy - still another 6 weeks or so for just keep growing little one, I have plenty of room on these pants to expand with you!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The best ultrasound pics yet!

We had a more high resolution ultrasound this Wednesday to look for any markers that would indicate chromosomal abnormalities. The ultrasound was good and squiggly wasn't as wiggly so we had to poke and move a little to get the good views. Then once the movement started he/she was swimming around trying to be acoomodating. There is blood work (hormone levels and a special protein marker) to go with the ultrasound and based on those two things, my age, etc, they come up with a statistical risk of having a baby with chromosomal abnormalities. We will hear this coming Wednesday.

Our hope is to get a call from my friend Laura (my OB) saying all is well rather than the call from the counselor saying there is concern and we need to do more testing. This is the last hurdle. As little squiggly is hanging on into the end of the first trimester nicely and as the fatigue is fading, this will be the thing that will allow me to start planning the nursery and getting the house rearranged.

We will find out if it is a boy or girl about 4-6 weeks from now. Hopefully in time for Christmas if all goes as planned!

Here are the pics. One looks like an alien with the shot from above. Three have squiggly with hand next to face. Two are very very close up to get the measurement of the fluid at the back of the neck that they needed for the genetic risk analysis.

Baby is about 12 weeks and 1 day old in this pic and due date is May 25th or 26th deepending on your math.