Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back in the saddle

It has been a couple of months since my last blog. And FINALLY we are back in the cycle and ready to go. We spent the month of July waiting for the cycle off. The date for the next cycle fell right on the weekend we were supposed to go to Seattle, so they worked with us to delay the start a little bit. It actually worked out well as my period was late in July.

I started birth control pills at the end of July and started doing Lupron shots (the turn off meds) about 2 weeks ago. Last Saturday (5 days ago) I started on the stimulation drugs. Yesterday was my first ultrasound and things are looking good. The goal this time is to have the eggs mature a little more slowly in the hopes of having some more mature eggs to work with. Last time we had 14 follicles, 10 eggs and 7 fertilized eggs before the arrested development debacle.

This time we are hoping for more follicles, more mature eggs, more fertilized eggs and embryos that want to grow into babies. We will be transferring the embryos at three days of development instead of the 5 days last time. This will hopefully allow the embryos to grow in a more accurate environment rather than a petrie dish.

Next week, I already had MOnday (Labor day) and Wednesday (my new normal day off) off, and had Thursday off as well just incase. BUT of course it looks like the extraction will likely be on Tuesday with transfer back on Friday. SOOOOOOO, no work for me next week.

I am collecting knitting projects to work on. I was able to go to the yarn store on Bainbridge Island while we were there this last weekend. I got a cute new book and yarn. I also ordered a digital piano - Yamaha with built in peddles and full keyboard. I have been wanting to play again and this will fit in my room without major cost or moving expense. Plus I can use the headphones to play without sharing all of my music with our new neighbors! I am sure they will appreciate this.

I am also looking forward to getting caught up on all of my errands.

We are also working on selling Tom's truck since we aren't really using it and trying to use mass transit and become a one care family.

Lots of activity.
Lots of action.

I will try to keep the posting coming more regularly again.
We are all hoping that things go better this time.

Oh, and I am doing acupuncture !! I really like the acupuncturist and although difficult to know if it is helping, at least it is a set aside time to relax and just clear my head.

He is worried about the possibility of his needles bruising me. I don't think he knows how much the one stimulation drug bruises and welts. His needles are nothing!!! He has encouraged me to be happy and relaxed to grow many mature and happy eggs. So I have been listening to more Disney music. Trying to do things that are relaxing and happy making. MOre time off and massages. We will see if this all works out and makes more happy embryos that want to grow. The acupuncturist thinks twins (one boy and one girl) would be nice and then we can be done....I wonder what meridian he needs to needle for that ;-)


Ally said...

Hey cousin, glad to hear you're back in the saddle after some time off. Your plan sounds like a good one, especially the part where you're treating yourself to some relaxation time and listening to happy music. :) I've been thinking of going to accupuncture lately because of PMS issues, so I'll be interested to hear from you whether it is helping you feel better, and perhaps grow a baby.


In Seattle without stopping by! You're busted!

Hayden Family Struggle said...

I glad you are back; I have been check on a regular basics lol. My husband and I have agreed to start our IVF in March so I have been doing alot of research since then. I read that book you recommended pregnancy wishes and IVF dreams. It was great I told my husband he has to read it now. I have also join an on line support group called Trying to Conceive and Infertility in the website you should check it out.
Anyway I’m hope this time gets you those twins you are hoppeing for.